Kolombangara, Solomon Islands from USS Jarrett, FFG 33, 14 May 2002. Click on any image to view it in more detail. BATTLE OF KULA GULF On the night of 5–6 July 1943, Rear Admiral W. L. Ainsworth’s Task Group 36.1, cruisers 
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LINK | PAGES | CONTENTS | 98K | 2 | Deck logs for 6-7 July 1943. | 301K | 9 | Action Report for 6-7 July 1943. | 1 | Diagram | 78K | 1 | Endorsement of Action Report for 6-7 July 1943 by Capt. F. X. McInerney, ComDesRon 21. |
| Honolulu, Helena and St. Louis escorted by DesRon 21—Nicholas (flagship of Capt. McInerney), O’Bannon, Radford and Jenkins—met a force of ten destroyers in a night action during which Helena was sunk by a “long lance” torpedo. While the rest of the American force retired, Nicholas and Radford were detached to rescue survivors. Together the two ships picked up 745 cruisermen, even while breaking off lifesaving efforts three separate times to engage enemy destroyers. They then returned to their Tulagi base after daylight in one of the Nick’s fastest runs of the entire war. Nicholas and Radford were both awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for this action.BATTLE OF KOLOMBANGARA A week after the Kula Gulf battle, Task Group 36.1 was back in the same waters with DesRon 21—Nicholas (flag), O’Bannon, Taylor, Radford and Jenkins—again leading cruisers Honolulu, Leander (from New Zealand in replacement of Helena) and St. Louis and five more destroyers attached to DesRon 12. The Japanese were again turned back but RAdm. Ainsworth’s force was less fortunate this time—all three of his cruisers plus destroyer Gwin were torpedoed. Gwin was lost, Leander was put out of commission for the rest of the war, and destroyers Buchanan and Woodworth were damaged by collision. |