Night firing from Nicholas during the Battle of Kula Gulf, 6 July 1943.

USS HelenaUSS Honolulu, St. Louis and HelenaAction aboard the Nicholas during the Battle of Kula GulfSurvivors of the Helena aboard the NicholasSurvivors of the Helena aboard the NicholasJoe Moll and Jack Fitch after rescuing Helena survivors at the Battle of Kula GulfEntering Tulagi Harbor after the Battle of Kula GulfEntering Tulagi Harbor after the Battle of Kula GulfEntering Tulagi Harbor after the Battle of Kula GulfTransferring Helena survivors to USS Honolulu after the Battle of Kula GulfReloading torpedoes after the Battle of Kula GulfReloading torpedoes after the Battle of Kula GulfReloading torpedoes after the Battle of Kula GulfReloading torpedoes after the Battle of Kula GulfReloading torpedoes after the Battle of Kula GulfReloading torpedoes after the Battle of Kula GulfReloading torpedoes after the Battle of Kula GulfDesRon 21 at sea two days after the Battle of Kula GulfCapt. Hill addresses the crewAdm. Fitch visits the Nicholas

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