NARA Photo 80-G-K-6067. Source: Naval History & Heritage Command Photographic Section

In looking back over the period of World War II and the record of the “Nick,” it is my earnest hope that you feel as proud as I do to be able to say, I was a Nicholas man.

Lt. Comdr. R. Townshend, Jr., Executive Officer, 1945,
World War II cruise book.

     “ … and I would be grateful if you would pass this message to the skipper of FFG 47, and

Rear Admiral Robert B. Carney, Adm. Halsey’s Chief of Staff, 1945.

Carney letterto any of the DD 449’s crew who may be present: Admiral Halsey directed that Nicholas and O’Bannon be present in Tokyo Bay for Japan’s surrender because of their valorous fight up the long road from the South Pacific to the very end.
     “The old-timers of DD 449 left a legacy of courage and fighting skill as an inspiration to FFG 47, a legacy which FFG 47 must strive to emulate.”

     — Admiral “Mick” Carney, former Chief of Naval Operations and President of Bath Iron Works, in a letter to Vice Admiral R.T.S. Keith (Nicholas’s third CO), read by William Haggett, President of Bath Iron Works at the commissioning of USS Nicholas (FFG 47), 10 March 1984.

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