Entering Sagami Wan

Nicholas and Missouri enter Sagami Wan, August 27, 1945

20 August 1945
Below: nearing the end of 55 days without sighting land, Nicholas approaches cruiser Boston, from which these photographs were taken.
Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945

27 August 1945
Nicholas receives Japanese emissaries from destroyer Hatsuzakura and transfers them to Missouri and other ships. The Third Fleet anchors that night in Sagami Wan, outside Tokyo Bay.
   Below: rendezvous between
Nicholas and Hatsuzakura.
Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945

Below: Japanese representatives in Nicholas’ ward room. Nicholas and Hatsuzakura steam to rejoin the approaching third fleet.
Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945

Below: approaching O Shima Island, Nicholas comes alongside Missouri to transfer emissaries and pilots.
Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945

Below: Nicholas transfers emissaries and pilots to Missouri.
Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945

Below: Nicholas, Missouri and other ships of the Flagship Task Group pass O Shima Island, enter Sagami Wan and anchor with Mount Fuji in the distance.
Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945Nicholas, August 20, 1945

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