The US Navy’s 273 flush-deck destroyers are listed below in alphabetical order. Click on any linked ship name for more information. If you do not find what you’re looking for here, try the similar ship lists for the goldplater, Benson-Gleaves, Fletcher and Allen M. Sumner-Gearing classes.
132 Aaron Ward
184 Abbot
193 Abel P. Upshur
211 Alden
172 Anthony
258 Aulick
128 Babbitt
126 Badger
185 Bagley
269 Bailey
246 Bainbridge
267 Ballard
256 Bancroft
213 Barker
149 Barney
248 Barry
251 Belknap
95 Bell
153 Bernadou
151 Biddle
293 Billingsley
150 Blakeley
136 Boggs
215 Borie
197 Branch
283 Breck
148 Breckinridge
122 Breese
232 Brooks
210 Broome
329 Bruce
131 Buchanan
222 Bulmer
171 Burns
166 Bush
69 Caldwell
285 Case
104 Champlin
206 Chandler
294 Charles Ausburn
323 Chase
296 Chauncey
106 Chew
241 Childs
140 Claxton
186 Clemson
326 Coghlan
155 Cole
85 Colhoun
72 Conner
291 Converse
334 Corry
167 Cowell
109 Crane
70 Craven
164 Crosby
134 Crowninshield
187 Dahlgren
290 Dale
199 Dallas
341 Decatur
129 DeLong
261 Delphy
116 Dent
157 Dickerson
117 Dorsey
280 Doyen
152 Du Pont
84 Dyer
219 Edsall
265 Edwards
146 Elliot
154 Ellis
78 Evans
93 Fairfax
332 Farenholt
304 Farquhar
300 Farragut
289 Flusser
169 Foote
234 Fox
297 Fuller
123 Gamble
196 George E. Badger
260 Gillis
233 Gilmer
247 Goff
188 Goldsborough
192 Graham
266 Greene
145 Greer
82 Gregory
92 Gridley
71 Gwin
133 Hale
141 Hamilton
183 Haraden
91 Harding
110 Hart
231 Hatfield
107 Hazelwood
278 Henshaw
160 Herbert
198 Herndon
178 Hogan
181 Hopewell
249 Hopkins
208 Hovey
179 Howard
342 Hulbert
330 Hull
236 Humphreys
194 Hunt
111 Ingraham
284 Isherwood
98 Israel
130 Jacob Jones
238 James K. Paulding
156 J. Fred Talbott
216 John D. Edwards
228 John D. Ford
299 John Francis Burnes
170 Kalk
235 Kane
306 Kennedy
138 Kennison
319 Kidder
137 Kilty
80 Kimberly
242 King
119 Lamberton
328 Lamson
101 Lansdale
286 Lardner
263 Laub
315 La Vallette
250 Lawrence
118 Lea
158 Leary
336 Litchfield
79 Little
209 Long
99 Luce
112 Ludlow
331 Macdonough
175 Mackenzie
220 MacLeish
168 Maddox
102 Mahan
74 Manley
321 Marcus
191 Mason
100 Maury
253 McCalla
276 McCawley
252 McCook
223 McCormick
262 McDermut
237 McFarland
90 McKean
87 McKee
264 McLanahan
274 Meade
335 Melvin
165 Meredith
322 Mervine
279 Meyer
121 Montgomery
277 Moody
271 Morris
105 Mugford
325 Mullany
97 Murray
311 Nicholas
343 Noa
177 O’Bannon
295 Osborne
255 Osmond Ingram
239 Overton
161 Palmer
218 Parrott
307 Paul Hamilton
230 Paul Jones
226 Peary
298 Percival
340 Perry
76 Philip
227 Pillsbury
225 Pope
345 Preble
327 Preston
347 Pruitt
287 Putnam
120 Radford
124 Ramsay
113 Rathburne
292 Reid
303 Reno
176 Renshaw
245 Reuben James
89 Ringgold
174 Rizal
324 Robert Smith
88 Robinson
254 Rodgers
147 Roper
243 Sands
190 Satterlee
159 Schenck
103 Schley
320 Selfridge
189 Semmes
281 Sharkey
318 Shirk
268 Shubrick
346 Sicard
81 Sigourney
221 Simpson
275 Sinclair
316 Sloat
212 Smith Thompson
301 Somers
207 Southard
310 S. P. Lee
173 Sproston
180 Stansbury
86 Stevens
224 Stewart
73 Stockton
302 Stoddert
96 Stribling
83 Stringham
240 Sturtevant
333 Sumner
273 Swasey
114 Talbot
142 Tarbell
125 Tattnall
94 Taylor
162 Thatcher
182 Thomas
305 Thompson
270 Thornton
135 Tillman
272 Tingey
282 Toucey
214 Tracy
339 Trever
229 Truxtun
259 Turner
127 Twiggs
144 Upshur
163 Walker
139 Ward
338 Wasmuth
115 Waters
195 Welborn C. Wood
257 Welles
217 Whipple
75 Wickes
344 William B. Preston
308 William Jones
108 Williams
244 Williamson
317 Wood
309 Woodbury
77 Woolsey
288 Worden
314 Yarborough
143 Yarnall
312 Young
337 Zane
313 Zeilin