War record


Serial 066.





1 October 1945.

To :

The Commanding Officer.
The Secretary of the Navy.


War Record – Submission of.


(a) AlPcc 202-45.


(A) Ship’s Historical Data.
(B) War Record – U.S.S. NICHOLAS (DD449),
   4 June 1942 to 1 October 1945.

1. In accordance with references (a), enclosures (A) and (B) are submitted herewith.


Copy to:
     CDS 21.



WAR RECORD - 4 June 1942 to 1 October 1945.

     The USS NICHOLAS was commissioned on 4 June 1942 at the Navy Yard, Boston, Massachusetts, with Lieutenant Commander W. D. Brown, USN, assuming command.  This ship then operated from Casco Bay, Portland, Maine, under Commander Destroyers, Atlantic Fleet, until the latter part of August. During this period she engaged in training and shake-down cruises, and performed escort duties along the eastern seaboard.

     On 23 August the NICHOLAS departed from Brooklyn, New York, in company with the WASHINGTON, BARTON and MEADE (TG 62.12).  The task group transited the Panama Canal and reached Tongatabu, Tonga Islands, on 14 September 1942.  After a short stop at Nouméa for tender repairs, the NICHOLAS engaged in escort duties, and then reported to CTF 64 at Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides, for duty.  The NICHOLAS continued escort duties, making several runs from New Caledonia and the New Hebrides to Guadalcanal. At the end of September, this ship drove off a Japanese “Zeke” attacking an American pilot parachuting to the water, and rescued the pilot.

     On 13 October the NICHOLAS fired on several attacking Japanese bombers at Guadalcanal, shooting down one.  On the same day, together with the GWIN and STERETT, she silenced a shore battery firing on our shipping from the vicinity of [Point Cruz].  While enroute [from] Guadalcanal with TU 62.4.5., with whom we had made rendezvous, the formation was attacked by five Aichi type 99 dive bombers, and by an observation plane, which dropped a bomb astern.  No damage was sustained from a near miss.

     After additional escort duty the NICHOLAS arrived back in Guadalcanal on 22 October, where she bombarded enemy positions west of the marine lines, repelled 4 Japanese dive bombers (one of which was believed to have been shot down) and silenced a Japanese battery attempting to shell the KOPARA.

     On 25 October the NICHOLAS effected rendezvous with TF 64, which included the WASHINGTON. Two enemy torpedo attacks against the WASHINGTON on 27 October were unsuccessful, and the force returned to Nouméa.

   The NICHOLAS continued escort duties, running as far south as Auckland, New Zealand, although for the most part the ship continued convoying to Guadalcanal as previously.

   On 2 January 1943, the NICHOLAS proceeded with Task Group 67.4 to Espiritu Santo.  Dive bombers attacked the formation on the 5th, but caused no damage.  After continued escort duty the NICHOLAS, with the O’BANNON, RADFORD and DEHAVEN, proceeded to Guadalcanal in the middle of January, and on the 19th and 20th, shelled Japanese positions on Guadalcanal. On the 24th, with Task Force 67, she bombarded enemy positions on Kolombangara. The Task Force then returned to Tulagi.  On 26 January, Lieutenant Commander A. J. Hill, USN, assumed command, relieving Commander W. D. Brown, USN.  The ship fired on enemy planes on 24 and 27 January with no observed results.

   On 1 February the NICHOLAS patrolled the area off Cape Esperance, north of Guadalcanal, covering the landing at Maracona.  In the morning the ship shot down one Japanese bomber using only four rounds of 5”/38 caliber ammunition, and in the afternoon shot down 3 dive bombers, 2 of them just before the DEHAVEN was hit and blew up. An additional plane was counted as possibly shot down, and 3 more damaged by the NICHOLAS. Twelve DEHAVEN survivors needing hospitalization were removed from LCT’s and taken to Lunga Point. During the day’s action two NICHOLAS men were killed and nine wounded by shrapnel from two near misses in dive bomber attacks.

   On 2 February the NICHOLAS proceeded to Espiritu Santo and continued escort duties in the Solomon-New Hebrides area.  Joining Task Force 68 on 22 February, she engaged in the bombardment of Munda, New Georgia Island.  On 5 March 1943, Captain F. X. McInerney, USN, hoisted his pennant aboard the NICHOLAS and assumed duties as Commander Destroyer Squadron TWENTY-ONE.

   The NICHOLAS joined Task Force 67 on 12 March, but was detached on the 14th to proceed with the RADFORD, TAYLOR and STRONG to Kula Gulf. The ship engaged in the bombardment of enemy installations at Vila-Stanmore Plantation, Kolombangara Island, and then joined Task Force 18, going to Tulagi, on to Espiritu Santo, and back to Tulagi.  During the first 7 days of April the NICHOLAS, in company with Task Groups 18.6 and 18.7, conducted six “slot” sweeps, during which the O’BANNON sank a Japanese submarine [sic] and the Task Group fired on enemy planes, the TAYLOR shooting down three to five. This ship then proceeded to Espiritu Santo and on to Nouméa, leaving on the 19th for ten days recreation in Sydney, Australia.

   Leaving Sydney on 4 May, the NICHOLAS went to Nouméa and then to Espiritu Santo on escort duty. On 11 May she joined Task Force 18 and engaged in the bombardment of enemy installations on Kolombangara Island on 13 May, during which gun #3 jammed and exploded.  No personnel casualties were incurred.  The NICHOLAS returned to Nouméa, where damages were repaired.

   During the last part of May and early June the NICHOLAS made two searches for reported submarines without result.  On 12 June, Commander Destroyer Squadron 21 shifted his pennant to the RADFORD, returning to the NICHOLAS near the end of the month.  The ship joined Task Unit 32.4.5 and proceeded to Guadalcanal, arriving at Kukum Beach on 14 June.  The Task Unit got underway from Tulagi Harbor during a dive bombing attack by about 125 Japanese planes over Koli Point. Three “Vals” attacking the formation were fired on by the NICHOLAS, but with no observed results. The following day the Task Unit returned to Espiritu Santo, and resumed escort duties in the New Hebrides Area.

   On 3 July 1943 the ship made a "slot" run from Tulagi with Task Group 26.1 and on the 5th bombarded Vila Plantation and Bairoko Harbor. The STRONG was lost during this bombardment, believed to have been hit by a torpedo or mine.  In the early morning of 6 July, the Task Group made contact with Japanese surface vessels. The resulting action was the Battle of Kula Gulf, during which the USS HELENA was sunk.  This ship rescued 291 HELENA survivors, taking Japanese ships under torpedo and gun fire during the rescue operation. For her exploits this night, the NICHOLAS was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation.  The Task Group returned to Tulagi, where the HELENA survivors were transferred to the HONOLULU, and then the Task Group proceeded to Espiritu Santo.

   The NICHOLAS was operating with Task Group 36.1 in the Kolombangara area on the night of 12-13 July when contact was made with Japanese surface forces. The resulting engagement was the Battle of Kolombangara, after which the Task Group returned to Tulagi.

   On 15 July the NICHOLAS joined Task Unit 36.1.4, which covered the rescue of the remaining HELENA survivors at Vella LaVella on 16 July.  Survivors included 160 enlisted men, 14 Naval officers and 1 Army Officer. This unit then returned to Tulagi and reported to CTF 74 for duty.  The ship then engaged in escort duties in the Solomons-New Hebrides area, proceeding to Nouméa at the end of July.

   On 7 August 1943, Captain T. J. RYAN, USN, assumed duties as ComDesRon 21, relieving Captain F. X. McINERNEY, USN. After continued escort duty, Task Group 36.5 (NICHOLAS, O'BANNON, CHEVALIER and TAYLOR), arrived at Tulagi, joining Task Unit 31.5.1 for the occupation of Barakoma, Vella LaVella on 15 August.  On the 17th, the NICHOLAS with units of DesDiv 41, engaged in a night action off Vella LaVella, during which the destruction of two enemy destroyers, and damage to a third was claimed, as well as the destruction of 4 large and many small barges.  On the 19th, the NICHOLAS with units of DesDiv 41, engaged in a barge hunt north of Vella LaVella, undergoing repeated Japanese bombing attacks.  On the 22nd, the NICHOLAS made an additional "slot" run in company with other destroyers, and on the 25th and 25th covered mining operations at Vella LaVella by task group 34.9.  The ship proceeded to Nouméa at the end of the month.

   On 8 September ComDesRon 21 shifted his pennant to the TAYLOR.  The NICHOLAS left Nouméa on the 10th for Milne Bay and after escorting merchant ships to Townsville, Australia, proceeded independently to Brisbane for 5 days recreation. The ship then escorted the ROCHAMBEAU to Nouméa, and left on 28 September for Guadalcanal.

   On 3 October, Captain A. D. CHANDLER, USN, assumed duties as ComDesRon 21, relieving Captain T. J. RYAN, USN. The NICHOLAS searched for barge traffic on the 3rd and 4th, and on the 6th proceeded with Task Group 31.6 to cover the unloading of APD's at Barakoma, Vella LaVella Island.  ComDesRon 21 shifted his pennant from the TAYLOR to the RADFORD on 13 October, and to the JENKINS for transportation a few days later.  After an additional run to Barakoma, and continued escort duties, the NICHOLAS reached Efate on 22 October. ComDesRon 21 returned to this ship the next day. The NICHOLAS proceeded with Task Group 53.2 and 53.3 to Nandi, Fiji Islands on 31 October, and on 11 proceeded with Task Group 50.1 (Carrier Intercept Group) for the Gilbert Islands Operation, remaining in the Gibert-Marshall Islands area until early December.

   Of 4 Japanese planes which attacked our force on 4 December, 3 were shot down, one of them claimed by the NICHOLAS.  The Task Group initiated raids on Kwajalein and Wotje Islands in the Marshall Islands Group. On the 5th the NICHOLAS rescued a man from the YORKTOWN and returned him to his ship the next day. From the Marshall Island raid the ship proceeded to Pearl Harbor, arriving there on 9 December 1943.

   On 10 December 1943, Commander R.T.S. KEITH, USN, relieved Commander A.J. HILL, USN, as Commanding Officer.  The ship then proceeded with Task Group 12.9 to San Francisco, arriving on 15 December, 1943.  The ship underwent overhaul and repairs at the Mare Island Navy Yard until 21 January 1944, and then returned to Pearl Harbor, where 2 weeks of training exercises wore conducted.  On 28 January, Admiral Chester W. NIMITZ, USN, on behalf of the President of the United States, presented the NICHOLAS with the Presidential Unit Citation for her work in the Battle of Kula Gulf on the night of 5-6 July 1943.

    ComDesRon 21 hauled down his pennant in the NICHOLAS on 10 February, and proceeded on temporary duty.  On 12 February, the ship left Pearl Harbor to escort Task Unit 16.1.1 to Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands. On the night of 17 February 1944, contact was made on a surfaced enemy submarine. The ship opened with gunfire and the submarine submerged. A series of depth charge attacks was then made.  There was every indication of very severe damage to the submarine, though the NICHOLAS was forced to forage securing evidence from the floating wreckage in order to rejoin the convoy as quickly as possible. The attack was given a class "C" assessment by CominCH.

   After reaching Eniwetok, the NICHOLAS engaged in escort duty in the Marshall Islands area and then joined carrier task Unit 55.1.6 at Eniwetok to proceed to Pearl Harbor. On arrival there, ComDesRon 21 returned aboard and hoisted his pennant his temporary duty having been completed.  Early in March the NICHOLAS joined Carrier Task Group 12.4, and proceeded to Purvis Bay, Solomon Islands, arriving on 21 March 1944.

   During the period at Purvis Bay an unsuccessful search was made for a reported submarine near Malaita Island, and on 5 April the NICHOLAS proceeded to Milne Bay, New Guinea, with DesRon 21, less LaVALLETTE and HOPEWELL, reporting to Commander Seventh Fleet for temporary duty.  The ship went on to Gape Sudest and Cape Cretin, New Guinea, and on 18 April proceeded with Task Group 77.3 to Aitape, New Guinea, covering the first landing on 22 April, end conducting a successful bombardment of enemy installations. The ship escorted a resupply group to Aitape and Humboldt Bay, and then returned to Caps Cretin.

   On 8 May, the NICHOLAS proceeded to Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, shifting operational control enroute to ComSoPac, 3rd Fleet. On 12 May, the NICHOLAS, with DesRon 21 less H0PEWELL, proceeded to Nouméa, New Caledonia.  On 24 May, the NICHOLAS proceeded to Purvis Bay and on to Treasury Island, Solomon Islands. This ship with DesDiv 41 carried out the bombardment of Medina Plantation, New Ireland, on 29 May 1944.

   On l June, the ship left Treasury Island with DesDiv 41 in an attempt to intercept three Japanese destroyers reported heading south from Nemei Island, but made no contact.

   On 3 June, the Division made a rendezvous with a hunter-killer group (Escort Division 39, with the CVE HOGGATT BAY), which was conducting an anti-submarine search Northeast of Now Ireland.  A Japanese bomber attacked the formation without damage.  The NICHOLAS went to Seeadler Harbor to fuel on the 5th, and returned to the anti-submarine patrol. On the 12th, the NICHOLAS rescued en officer and two men who had crashed with their TBF from the HOGGATT BAY. On 14 June, DesDiv 41 was relieved by DesDiv 93, and proceeded to Blanche Harbor, Treasury Island.  On arrival DesDiv 41 reported to Commander Seventh Fleet for temporary duty and was assigned to CTG 70.8 (Commodore E. MORAN, USN, Commander Northern Solomons Area), as the support force for the Northern Solomons Area.

   A very intensive training program for the ships of DesDiv 41 was commenced on 15 June, and continued until the Division left Treasury Island early in August. On 18 July, Captain J.K.B. GINDER, USN, relieved Captain A.D. CHANDLER, USN, as Commander Destroyer Squadron TWENTY-ONE, and Commander Destroyer Division FORTY-ONE.

   This ship proceeded to Purvis Bay, Florida Island on 3 August for tender availability.  The ship left for Treasury Island on the 14th, and the following day proceeded to Seeadler Harbor, Manus Island, reporting to CTF 74 (Commodore COLLINS, RAN, HMAS SHROPSHIRE, Flagship), for duty.  On 23 August, the ship proceeded with HMAS SHROPSHIRE to Humboldt Bay, Dutch New Guinea, returning to Seeadler Harbor on the 27th.

   Early in September, the NICHOLAS end HOPEWELL escorted an LST group to Hollandia, and on the 11th escorted Task Group 77,4 to Morotai Island.  On the 16th, formation was attacked by a single Japanese bomber but no damage resulted. The NICHOLAS assumed fighter director, radar picket ship, and patrol duties Northeast of Morotai, where she was relieved on 18 September to escort a convoy to Hollandia.  On 25 September, the ship left Hollandia on escort duty to Wadke Island and Morotai, and on 30 September, assumed duties as air support command ship and on being relieved, escorted a returning convey to Hollandia.

   On 18 October, this ship proceeded with Task Group 78.7 to Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands, arriving on the 24th. The ship reported to CTF 78 for duty, and on the 25th was assigned to TG 77.2, at the entrance to Leyte Gulf.  That night the ship patrolled off Dinagat Island, and the next day patrolled off the entrance to Leyte Gulf as radar picket ship.  While on picket duty the ship fired at a Japanese bomber, with no observed results.

   On 27 October, the ship joined Task Group 77.4, and escorted them to Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands, a few days later.  On 8 November the NICHOLAS and TAYLOR proceeded to Ulithi, to escort the ST. LOUIS to Leyte. Enroute to Kossol Roads, the ship made radar contact on a surfaced enemy submarine. The submarine submerged beyond accurate range of our guns, but two depth charge attacks were made. This attack was assessed class "B" (probably sunk) by the Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet Assessment Committee.

   From Kossol Roads the NICHOLAS proceeded on escort duty end on 16 November Joined Task Group 77.1, which was on continuous patrol in the southern end Leyte Gulf.  On 18 November, the ship fired at an attacking Japanese plane with no observed results. On 27 November, when approximately 12 suicide planes attacked the formation, all ships fired at planes on which guns would bear. While hits from 4OMM guns fired by the NICHOLAS were seen on planes which later crashed, no planes were claimed by this ship.  All attacking planes crashed or were shot down.  Additional suicide attacks were made on the formation in the evening and afternoon of the 29th. On 1 December, Task Group 77.2 stood out of Leyte Gulf, and patrolled to seaward during the night because of the suspected presence of enemy submarines in the Gulf.  The next day, Task Group 77.3 including the NICHOLAS, separated from Task Group 77.2, but remained patrolling in the same area. On 2 December and again on the 5th, Japanese suicide planes attacked the formation. On the 5th, the NICHOLAS fired at a plane which crashed 50 yards off the FLETCHER's port bow, and at a second plane which came in low on the port beam of the NICHOLAS, and crossed over to starboard before hitting the water.  The NICHOLAS definitely shot down this plane, which furnished an excellent target.

   On 6 December, this ship joined TG 76.3 enroute to Ormoc Bay, Leyte Island, for the initial landing there.  Shortly before midnight the NICHOLAS, together with the O'BANNON, FLETCHER, and LaVALLETTE proceeded ahead of the formation to sweep the Camotes Sea and to bombard the coastline west of Ormoc Bay on Leyte Island. Japanese night plane attacks during our retirement were driven off without damage to our group. This ship returned to Leyte Gulf, and on the 8th left as a convoy escort to Hollandia, leaving there on 10 December for Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty islands.

   On 26 December, the NICHOLAS escorted HMAS AUSTRALIA to Kossol Roads, Palau Island, and left on the 28th for Leyte Gulf.  On 1 January 1945, the NICHOLAS joined Task Group 77.3, the Close Support Group for the landings in the Lingayen Gulf Area, Luzon Island.  On 5 January 1945, a Japanese midget submarine fired two torpedoes which passed close aboard the NICHOLAS. The submarine then surfaced and was rammed by the TAYLOR.

   On 7 January, our force and nearby forces were attacked by Japanese planes.  This ship fired on 3 Japanese planes with no observed results, One of these was later shot down by the CAP.  On 8 January, the ship fired on 4 Japanese planes, one of then a bomber, which finally crashed astern of the formation, while a 5th plane crashed to port. Friendly fighters shot down 2 Japanese dive bombers. On 10 January, the ship fired at a Japanese "Zeke" which dove at the formation. No ships in our formation were damaged by any attacking pianos.

   On 18 January, this ship, together with Task Group 77.3, joined Task Unit 77.4.2, an escort carrier group, and continued to patrol the same area to the West of Luzon Island.  On 21 January, ComDesRon 21 shifted his pennant from the NICHOLAS to the HOPEWELL. On 24 January, this ship captured a 16' motor boat and 3 Japanese prisoners, who were transferred to the PHOENIX.  On 29 January, the formation supplied close cover for the landing at Zambales Province, north of Subic Bay on Luzon Island.

   The NICHOLAS was ordered to proceed to Ulithi with Task Group 77.4, but was detached on 1 February and rejoined Task Group 77.3, going to Mindoro Island. A few days later, the NICHOLAS made rendezvous with the submarine GUITARRO for escort duty. Six Filipino guerilla fighters rescued enroute, from water logged canoes, were transferred to the Army Hospital at Mindoro.

   Commander Dennis C. LYNDON, USN, assumed command of the NICHOLAS on 6 February 1945, relieving Commander R.T.S.  KEITH, USN.

   On 6 February, Task Group 77.3, including the NICHOLAS, proceeded to Subic Bay, Luzon Island.  From the 13th to 16th, this Task Group conducted the bombardment of Corregidor, Carabao, El Fraile, other islands at the entrance to Manila Bay, and shore installations at Mariveles Bay. During these operations the LaVALLETTE and RADFORD were struck by mines, and the HOPEWELL was badly damaged by 6" shell hits from Corregidor Island.  The only casualty on the NICHOLAS occurred when one man was struck in the neck by a shell fragment.  (See item 9 of Enclosure (A)).  The Task Group returned to Subic Bay on 16 February and on the 17th, ComDesRon 21 shifted his pennant to the NICHOLAS from the HOPEWELL.  At the end of the month, the NICHOLAS went to Lingayen Gulf with Task Group 77.3, end then returned to Subic Bay. At that time Task Group 77.3 was dissolved, becoming Task Group 74.3.

   From the 6th to 12th of March, the NICHOLAS proceeded with a Task Unit to Basilan Strait and then joined TG 74.3, furnishing close support of mine sweeping units for the seizure and occupation of the Zamboanga area of Southwest Mindanao end Basilan Strait, after which the ship returned to Subic Bay.  From the 24th to the 27th of the month, the NICHOLAS operated with Task Group 74.3, covering the Cebu City area, Cebu Island, Philippine Islands, and again returned to Subic Bay.

   On the 6th and 7th of April, the NICHOLAS, with Task Group 74.3, proceeded to Manila, Luzon Island, Philippine Islands. On the 11th, this unit proceeded, with the O'BANNON and the PHOENIX, to bombard El Fraile Island. On the 15th and again on the 16th, the NICHOLAS proceeded with the O'BANNON and PHOENIX to bombard Cerabao Island.

   During the period of 24 April to 5 May, the NICHOLAS proceeded with Task Group 74.3 to cover the seizure and occupation of Tarakan Island, Dutch Borneo.  And again we returned to Subic Bay. From the 22nd to the 26th of May, the NICHOLAS was at Manila, Luzon Island.

   0n 1 June, this ship, with the O'BANNON and TAYLOR, proceeded to San Pedro Bay, Leyte Island, arriving the 3rd.  The ship had ten days availability, including a dry decking. On 15 June the NICHOLAS, in company with Task Unit 30.1.2 proceeded towards Okinawa to effect rendezvous with Task Unit 32.1.3. with whom we remained until 23 June.  During this period our unit conducted air strikes on Sakishima. Then the NICHOLAS O'BANNON, and TAYLOR returned to Leyte Gulf.  On 28 June, the NICHOLAS Joined Task Group 30.8 and proceeded to Ulithi, arriving on the last day of the month.  At this time, Captain J.K.B. GINDER, USN, hauled down his pennant without relief as Commander Destroyer Squadron TWENTY-ONE and Commander Destroyer Division FORTY-ONE.

   On 3 July, the NICHOLAS Joined Task Group 30.8, fueling and logistics group for strikes against Japan, end proceeded to an area Southeast of Japan to furnish logistic support for Task Force THIRTY-EIGHT.

   On 11 August, the NICHOLAS was detached from the logistics group and reported to CTF 38 (Vice Admiral McCain, USN) for duty. The NICHOLAS was assigned to Task Group 38.4.  During the day of 13 August, Task Force 38 conducted air strikes on the Tokyo Plains Area.  At 1640 the formation fired on enemy aircraft, one plane being shot down.  On 15 August, the NICHOLAS recovered the pilot of a crashed airplane, Ensign Olen D. GLAIZE, USNR, #414140, Naval Aviator. At 0304, President TRUMAN announced that Japan had surrendered unconditionally. On 21 August, Captain H.B. HENEBERGER, USN, reported on board and hoisted his pennant as Commander Destroyer Squadron TWENTY-ONE.  On 23 August Task Group 30.1, consisting of MISSOURI, NICHOLAS, TAYLOR and O'BANNON was formed. On 25 August, the NICHOLAS rescued the pilot and two aircrewmen from a crashed SHANGRI-LA plane. We received on board a Japanese language interpreter and press representatives. On 27 August, the NICHOLAS picked up two emissaries, six interpreters, and thirteen pilots, all Japanese, for transfer from the HATUZAKURA (MATSU CLASS) to various ships of Third Fleet Task Groups, most notably, the MISSOURI.  At 1550, this ship anchored in Sagami Bay, Honshu Island, Japan.

   On 29 August at 0457, we got underway and by 0545, Task Group 30.1 was proceeding into Tokyo Bay, where this ship anchored at 0917.

   On 2 September, the NICHOLAS proceeded to moor alongside Custom House Pier, First District, Yokohama, Honshu Island, Japan, to transfer to the MISSOURI 87 Allied and United States Army and Naval Representatives for the formal Japanese surrender ceremony. After the ceremony we returned these Representatives to Yokohama. On 3 September, the NICHOLAS reported to CTG 30.6 for duty.  In accordance with CTG 30.6, verbal instructions, got underway on 7 September, enroute to Hamamatsu in company with the TAYLOR. Upon arrival, we reported to CTU 30.6.1 for duty. The following day in accordance with CTU 30.6.1 voice transmission of 7 September 1945, the NICHOLAS, TAYLOR, and HMAS BATAAN returned to Tokyo Bay. On 10 September, in accordance with CTU 30.6.2 serial of 9 September, formed Task Unit 30.6.2 as follows: NICHOLAS, TAYLOR, RUNELS, HMAS BATAAN, HMAS WARRAMUNGA, HMS WIZARD, HMS WAKEFUL, GOSSELIN, GARRARD, and RESCUE.  OTC is CDS 21 in NICHOLAS.  Upon arrival in Ishinemaki Bay, this unit assisted in processing Allied prisoners of war from the Sendai Area. On 13 September, this ship received 250 rescued prisoners of war from the GARRARD and proceeded with the TAYLOR and HMS WIZARD to Tokyo Bay, arriving in Yokohama Harbor early in the evening.

   At 0840, 22 September, Captain H.B. HENEBERGER, USN, Commander Destroyer Squadron TWENTY-ONE, presented GRIFFITH, David T.G., RM1c, 344 13 20, USN, with a Letter of Commendation and a Commendation Ribbon Bar.  On 25 September, in accordance with CTG 16.6 dispatch of 24 September, the NICHOLAS was detached from Task Group 16.6 and reported to CTG 58.1 who assigned her to Task Unit 58.1.5.  On the 27th, this ship rescued 20 men from a capsized motor whaleboat and transferred them to the USS TUMULT (AM127).  On the 29th this ship got underway to fuel and returned to Tokyo Bay anchorage.

   On 1 October the NICHOLAS proceeded with Task Group 58.1 to Okinawa where all ships in the task group took aboard personnel returning to the United States.  On the 5th the task group proceeded to the United States, changing designation to Task Group 38.1 enroute.  Various units of the task group separated to proceed to different ports, the NICHOLAS arriving at Seattle, Washington on the 19th.  This ship took part in the Navy Day celebration on the 27th and proceeded with Task Unit 30.3.1 to San Pedro, California, arriving on 1 November.  During November, December and January the NICHOLAS underwent alterations and repairs for pre-inactivation overhaul.

Stencilled 4/30/46

[Source for the last paragraph above is the HISTORY OF THE USS NICHOLAS (DD 449), (4 June 1942 to 1 February 1946), published by the Office of Public Information, Navy Department.]


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